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Conduct Hearing Notices

The CRNA has a regulatory obligation under the Health Professions Act (HPA) to make public: 

  • Sanctions (penalties) or conditions imposed on a registrant’s practice permit 
  • Access to decisions of a hearing tribunal 
  • Publish on the website decisions relating to sexual abuse or sexual misconduct 

The CRNA believes in public disclosure beyond the mandatory provisions of HPA. This disclosure is based on prevailing good practice and grounded in the public interest to increase transparency and public confidence in the decisions of the regulatory college. 

The CRNA will publish a Notice to Attend a Hearing (“Notice”) on its website prior to a hearing and after the registrant has been provided with the Notice. Upcoming hearings are not posted publicly until confirmation is acknowledged by the registrant. The Notice will remain on the website until the hearing has been concluded and a decision of unprofessional conduct is published, or if the complaint has been dismissed. 

Personal or health information will be redacted from hearing notices, at the discretion of the hearings director or delegate. 

The CRNA will update its website with any changes to the Notice. The CRNA follows Personal Information Privacy Act when releasing personal information. 

Upcoming Hearings 

All hearings are open to the public; however, space may be limited. Please contact the CRNA to reserve your seat.