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GP27 - In Camera Sessions Protocol

Policy Number: GP 27 Effective Date: April 2021
Last Review Date: November 2020 Next Review Date: November 2021
Review Frequency: Annually Related Supporting Documents:  


The College Council meetings are generally held in public.

Like similar bodies, the College’s Council may at any time move in camera to discuss matters that are sensitive, personal or privileged.  Once a body which ordinarily meets in public has moved in camera the public is excluded.  Others, specifically staff (and where applicable outside counsel or other consultants), should remain only on an as-needed basis and only until their in camera item has concluded.

Only the CEO & Registrar, senior managers designated by the CEO & Registrar, and legal counsel will be expected to remain for any in camera items, as appropriate. Senior managers apart from the CEO & Registrar will generally absent themselves from human resources and employment discussions. Other staff and observers should not be present at in camera meetings, apart from in very exceptional circumstances where Council has agreed to their attendance.


A regular in camera agenda item at the beginning and/or end of each board and committee meeting affords the opportunity to consider and, when applicable, hold an in camera session: the CEO & Registrar would normally stay and participate in all in camera sessions unless their employment/ performance or a Board discipline matter is being discussed. 

The Chair should determine and announce who will remain in the meeting and the rationale, if requested for excluding any individuals being asked to leave the meeting. The Council will delegate a member to take the minutes if business is to be conducted in an in camera session.  

The Chair must ensure that Councillors discuss only those items on the agenda that have been identified as being required to be held in camera, and do not hold discussions on new issues that are not properly in camera items.  

In most cases, formal Council decisions will not be made during in camera sessions, but rather, once the regular meeting reconvenes immediately following the conclusion of the in camera session. 

There may be situations when those who regularly attend Council or committee meetings should not have access to the pre-meeting materials or post-meeting minutes of an in camera session.  This is most likely to happen with members of management.  Therefore, the minutes of the in camera portion of the meeting, if any, will be recorded separately and forwarded to legal counsel to retain.  These minutes are approved at an in camera session at the next regularly scheduled Council or committee meeting.  Councillors and staff will treat with the utmost confidentiality all materials and information that is distributed for discussion in camera.