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GP25 - CEO & Registrar Succession Plan

Policy Number: GP 25 Effective Date: April 2021
Last Review Date: November 2020 Next Review Date: November 2023
Review Frequency: Every three years 2023 Related Supporting Documents:  


The Council is committed to recruiting the best available candidate for CEO & Registrar to direct and manage the affairs of the College.


The role of the Leadership Review and Governance Committee is to annually review the succession plan for the CEO & Registrar and review the CEO & Registrar’s succession plan for the staff.  The purpose of this is twofold:

  1. To identify one or more candidates that the Council could appoint as Interim CEO & Registrar if the CEO & Registrar’s employment ended without sufficient notice
  2. To oversee management’s succession planning, development and talent management of high potential employees at all levels so that potential internal candidates are developed, encouraged, identified and available:
    • for the next orderly succession of the CEO & Registrar, and
    • for future successions of the CEO & Registrar beyond the next appointment.

Should there be a need to replace the CEO & Registrar, this plan further outlines the process to be followed.

When a vacancy occurs at the CEO & Registrar level, the Council shall determine the extent of its search and will invite applications to fill the vacant position. Alternatively, the Council may, at its discretion, employ the services of a recruitment agency.

When applicable, the Council shall appoint a Task Force of no fewer than four members, one of which shall be the Chair of the Council and one of which shall be the Chair of the Leadership Review and Governance Committee. At least one member of the Task Force must be a government appointed public member. The organization’s senior human resources executive will participate in the Task Force as staff expert, support and liaison.

Process for an Orderly Transition

(In the case of an upcoming CEO & Registrar retirement or resignation with sufficient notice)

The Task Force shall:

  1. Conduct a Needs Assessment:
    1. identify the criteria for leadership of the organization aligned to the strategic direction
  2. Define the Role:
    1. prepare and/or make available a job description for the position;
    2. prepare and/or make available a Corporate Profile;
    3. establish a compensation/benefits package and appointment date;
    4. post the position as approved by the Council;
  3. Profile the Attributes and Recruit a Pool of Candidates:
    1. prepare criteria matrix for rating applications;
    2. screen applications against established criteria;
    3. check references and credibility of those providing the references;
    4. prepare the first shortlist for conducting interviews;
    5. prepare for interviews including an appropriate rating scale;
    6. conduct initial interviews of the top candidates;
    7. rate candidates against established criteria.
  4. Select an Individual:
    1. recommend one or more candidates for Council consideration;
    2. arrange for the Council to interview selected candidate(s); (full Council decision)
    3. following Council involvement, make the final selection and recommend to the Council the candidate for appointment, and terms and conditions of employment;
  5. Appointment and Transition:
    1. execute employment contract and possible probation period;
    2. provide for appropriate orientation and training if necessary;
    3. communicate the appointment of the new incumbent.

Process for an Emergency Transition

(In the case of an CEO & Registrar’s immediate loss – i.e., resignation without notice, dismissal for cause, serious illness, death)

Annually, the Leadership Review and Governance Committee will in collaboration with the CEO & Registrar recommend to Council a suitable candidate to replace the CEO & Registrar in the event of an emergency. Council will have the final decision on the replacement of the CEO & Registrar.

Once identified, at the discretion of Council, the LRGC and CEO & Registrar, the CEO & Registrar may inform the replacement candidate emphasizing that this decision may be changed at Council’s discretion and confers no long-term preference for this person as the CEO & Registrar’s permanent replacement.  At the CEO & Registrar’s discretion the candidate will receive access to the CEO & Registrar’s activities and/or additional training to enable an effective transition in the event of an emergency.

If an emergency transition is required, the Task Force shall:

  1. Consult the Council-approved CEO & Registrar’s Succession Plan and implement the action steps outlined (unless circumstances have changed such that the recommended actions would no longer be appropriate)
  2. Implement the process outlined above for an orderly transition

Should the CEO & Registrar’s Succession Plan not meet the current needs of the organization, the Task Force shall:

  1. Identify the criteria for interim leadership of the organization
  2. Evaluate the potential pool of internal candidates against the criteria
  3. Appoint the recommended interim leader
  4. Implement the process outlined above for an orderly transition


The CEO & Registrar should have the following measures in place in the event that an unplanned or extended absence makes it impossible for them to effectively provide executive leadership:

  • An up-to-date file whose location is known to and immediately accessible by a designated employee, containing passwords and other security codes required for the CEO & Registrar’s computer files. This should include email, voice mail and social media accounts. Copies of any keys to desks, cabinets and work-related security storage will also be included in the file.
  • A list of critical functions that rely on the CEO & Registrar, for example those that could affect public safety, payment of employee salaries, submission of payroll and other government remittances, and other time sensitive and critical tasks on which the organization’s functioning depends. The items on the list shall be in order of importance.
  • A set of procedures or rules with respect to who needs to and will have access to confidential employee and client records in place of the current CEO & Registrar.
  • A three-month calendar (electronic or otherwise) of CEO & Registrar appointments, regulatory and governance deadlines and other current work-related plans shall be maintained and accessible.
  • An approved annual operational plan, strategic goals and CEO & Registrar goals.