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GP24 - CEO and Registrar’s Performance Management Framework

Policy Number: GP 24 Effective Date: April 2021
Last Review Date: November 2020 Next Review Date: November 2021
Review Frequency: Annually by LRGC Related Supporting Documents:  


This document outlines the accountabilities of the College’s Council, Leadership Review and Governance Committee (LRGC) and the CEO & Registrar related to the Performance Management Framework of the CEO & Registrar. 

Principles of Performance Oversight

  1. Assessment are separate processes

    Performance and compensation are inextricably linked, but in the context of a not-for-profit College with no pay at risk in the CEO & Registrar contract, performance oversight and compensation assessment will be considered separate processes.

  2. Collaboration

    Performance oversight of the CEO & Registrar must be a collaborative process that provides opportunity for input from Council, LRGC and the CEO & Registrar.  Interviews with senior staff and relevant stakeholders are part of this collaborative process.

    The CEO & Registrar must be supported in this process.  In addition to the established performance oversight process, the CEO & Registrar will have access to the Council Chair and LRGC for direction and support as desired throughout the year.

  3. Strategic Alignment

    Performance oversight must be linked with the strategic priorities of the mandate of the organization.

  4. Evaluation Period

    Performance will be assessed annually and based on the goals established by the LRGC and the CEO & Registrar at the beginning of the year. Feedback opportunities will be provided through conversations with LRGC throughout the year as requested or required.

  5. Metrics

    The metrics used to evaluate performance will be agreed to at the beginning of the performance cycle and will link to the Contribution Agreement.  The metrics can include both quantitative and qualitative outcomes.

Evaluation Process

Annually the CEO & Registrar will prepare a Contribution Agreement. The CEO & Registrar will prepare this in consultation with the Leadership Review & Governance Committee (LRGC) and then once finalized, will be presented to Council. The Contribution Agreement agreed to by both LRGC and the CEO & Registrar shall be reviewed periodically.

The timeline for the Evaluation Process will be established at the same time as establishing the yearly goals, but typically will include:

  1. LRGC will engage an external professional to provide expert assistance during the CEO & Registrar’s performance review process, and to conduct the surveys and interviews to collect input from Council and senior staff members.
  2. CEO & Registrar Draft Contribution Agreement submitted to LRGC in September for review and feedback.
  3. LRGC will review and monitor progress of the Contribution Agreement throughout the year.
  4. LRGC, with the assistance of the external professional, will populate the Performance Evaluation with relevant data (e.g. surveys and interviews of Council and senior staff members, potentially external stakeholder consultations) one month after CEO & Registrar submission of Performance Evaluation to LRGC;
  5. A meeting of the LRGC to discuss the Performance Evaluation within 1 month of CEO & Registrar Performance Evaluation submission to LRGC;
  6. LRGC summary of evaluation and compensation recommendation presented to Council at their next regular meeting.
  7. Council approval of the recommendation from the LRGC.
  8. Feedback from the LRGC to the CEO & Registrar including:
    • Performance for the past year
    • Suggestions for the next Contribution Agreement including performance objectives and learning and growth opportunities.


Compensation assessment: The Compensation assessment is a benchmarking exercise of the ‘Total Compensation’ packages that CEOs of like and similar organizations receive.

Contribution Agreement: Prepared by the CEO & Registrar in collaboration with the LRGC.

Evaluation plan: The plan is developed in partnership and in collaboration between the Leadership Review and Governance Committee of Council and the CEO & Registrar.

Evaluation period: The period of time the evaluation covers, that is, 2 years. The previous 12 months as a retrospective review and the next 12 months as a prospective view for future strategic goal setting.

Evaluation process: The process of evaluation, negotiated in partnership with and in collaboration between the Leadership Review and Governance Committee of Council and the CEO & Registrar.

Evaluation process timeline: Timeline for the evaluation period from yearly goals, to presentation at LRGC to final evaluation presented to Council.

External professional: An external consultant sourced who is a) completely at arms-length from the College and b) a specialist in CEO & Registrar performance reviews.

External stakeholder: A community member who is external to the College and who has a vested interest in the College’s performance.

Fundamental performance: The degree to which the CEO & Registrar met expectations outlined in the approved strategic and operational plan.

Exception Performance: The degree to which CEO & Registrar responded to Disruptive Events

Senior Staff: Members of the executive leadership.