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GP22 - Delegation of Authorities

Policy Number: GP 22 Effective Date: September 1, 2021
Last Review Date: September 2021 Next Review Date: September 2022
Review Frequency:

Annually (Finance and Audit Committee)

Related Supporting Documents:  


Council embraces the principle of empowerment: that governance and management are more effective and efficient when they are separated – Council being responsible for governance, and the CEO & Registrar generally for management – and when management decision-making authority is delegated as far into the organization as is consistent with levels of competence and capacity.

Within the limits and policies established by Statute, Bylaws, and Council, authorities regarding various aspects of operations have been delegated to the CEO & Registrar (and by the CEO & Registrar to lower management levels) as outlined in this policy. 


delegated approval level means that approval decisions may be made to this level of accountability and competence that allow compliance with Statute, Bylaws, Policy and Budget.

The CEO & Registrar may grant additional authorities (not covered in this policy) to other managers by way of a signed memorandum.

Staff, other than the CEO & Registrar, shall not further delegate their authorities provided by this policy.

Delegation of Authorities Matrix

Item Council CEO & Registrar References: must comply with …
Strategic Plan
Multi-year, including vision, mission, values, goals / objectives
Council approves CEO recommends to Council Council Charter: Council oversees the development of a five-year strategy
Business Plan, Capital and Operating Budget Council approves Operating & Capital Budget
Council approves budgeted expenditures through the approval of the Operating Budget
CEO approves Business Plan, recommends Budget via FAC
CEO has accountability for budgeted expenditures in accordance with budget and operating policies
CEO reports expenditures beyond approved budget via quarterly financial reporting/forecasting
Council Charter: Council approves budget
Council accepts as information Quarterly Financial Reporting
Corporate Scorecard with KPI’s Council approves CEO recommends Council Charter: Council sets strategic direction & risk tolerances, selects & oversees CEO, monitors performance, culture and ethical integrity
Risk Tolerances Council approves CEO recommends A column in Strategic Framework (Corporate Scorecard)
External Auditors
Council approves
 FAC recommends
CEO and COO provide input to FAC Finance & Audit Committee Charter
Audited Financial Statements,
reports and disclosures
Council approves CEO and COO recommend via FAC Finance & Audit Committee Charter
Litigation, settlements: conducting and instructing counsel Over $250,000 (uninsured) or where significant or material reputational impact Up to $250,000 (uninsured)  
New business
including acquisitions, divestitures, joint ventures and partnerships
Council approves CEO recommends Once approved in Business Plan, CEO’s approval limits above would apply (for budgeted items)
Sale of real estate property Council approves CEO recommends Other asset transactions: CEO deals within the normal course (unless specifically dealt with in other Policy or Charter)
Employment Arrangements including hiring, terminating, evaluating Council appoints CEO CEO has oversight of operational staff Council Charter
Compensation Council approves CEO compensation CEO approves operational staff compensation Council Charter
Expenses (travel, etc.) Chair approves Council member expenses or may delegate approval to management.
FAC reviews CEO expense reports quarterly
CEO accountable to ensure the authorization of staff expenses through Finance policies (Expense Reimbursement, Credit Card Reimbursement) FI2 – Expense Reimbursement Operational Policy
Quarterly CEO expense reporting to FAC