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GP19 - Chair’s Charter

Policy Number: GP 19 Effective Date: April 1, 2021
Last Review Date: March 2021 Next Review Date: March 2022
Review Frequency: Annually Related Supporting Documents:  

Establishment (Bylaws)

  1. Council shall bi-annually select from among the voting members of Council, a Chair.
  2. The Chair’s term is for two (2) years and the Chair is eligible to serve for two (2) consecutive terms.
  3. The Chair may be either a government appointed public member or a regulated member of Council.
  4. The Chair shall preside as chair of Council.
  5. In the absence of the Chair, the Chair of the Leadership Review and Governance Committee will be designated as acting Chair of Council
  6. In the absence of the Chair, the Chair of the Leadership Review and Governance Committee shall have the powers and duties of the Chair.

If a vacancy occurs in the position of Chair the remaining members of Council may determine whether or not to fill the vacancy and may make such appointments or arrangements as they consider appropriate in the circumstances.

Duties and Responsibilities

The work of the Chair is to lead Council and the College governance processes and to ensure that Council’s conduct is consistent with its own rules and those legitimately imposed upon it. The role of the Chair is to act as the voice of Council and to lead and support Council in achieving its governance and regulatory responsibilities. The Chair ensures the integrity of the Council’s process, represents Council to the public and the registrants.

The Chair:

  • Ensures that Council meeting discussion content will focus on issues and topics, which, according to Council policy, clearly belong to Council to decide, not the CEO & Registrar
  • Ensures that deliberation will be fair, open and thorough, but also efficient, timely, orderly and kept to the point
  • Develops Council meeting agendas with the CEO & Registrar and with input from Council members and Committee Chairs
  • Guides Council in carrying out its responsibilities
  • Builds board unity, solidarity and trust; demonstrates integrity and ethical leadership
  • Mentors and coaches Council members, collectively and individually, to ensure full utilization of individual capabilities and optimum performance of Council
  • Initiates the proper process and procedure to ensure Council successfully fulfils its purpose and responsibilities
  • Serves as a non-voting, ex officio member of all Council (Governance) Committees (the presence of the Chair will not be counted towards quorum unless they are appointed as a committee member)
  • Acts as a sounding board and counsel for the CEO & Registrar
  • Ensures that Council members are properly informed on matters of substance;

The authority of the Chair consists of making decisions that fall within Council policies except where Council specifically delegates portions of this authority to others. The Chair is authorized to use any reasonable interpretation of the provisions in these policies. The Chair has no authority to supervise or direct the CEO & Registrar. The relationship between the Chair and CEO & Registrar is one that is collegial, collaborative and advisory.