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GP17B - Leadership Review and Governance Committee Charter

Policy Number: GP 17B Effective Date: April 1, 2021
Last Review Date: March 2021 Next Review Date: March 2022
Review Frequency: Annually Related Supporting Documents:  


The Leadership Review and Governance Committee is mandated to oversee the performance and recruitment of the CEO & Registrar, the evaluation of Council, Committees, and the Chair and to oversee the College’s governance practices and procedures. There are separate Policies outlining the agreed Performance Review Frameworks for (1) the CEO & Registrar, and (2) Council, Committees and Chairs.


  1. The Committee has the authority to:
  1. Conduct annual performance appraisals for the CEO & Registrar
  2. Engage an external resource to assist with conducting the CEO & Registrar’s performance appraisal
  3. Conduct an annual evaluation for the Chair and Council
  4. Spend funds up to the amount allocated to it by Council


The Committee shall be composed of:

  1. Six members of Council, striving for an equal membership of registered nurse members and public members.
  2. Council shall appoint one member of Council to serve as Chair of the committee, based on a competency-based assessment conducted by the Nominating Committee.
  3. The Chair may be either a government appointed public member or a regulated member of Council

Term of Office

  1. The Chair of the Committee is appointed for two years or until the end of the Councillor’s term, whichever is shorter.
  2. Committee members are appointed for two years or until the end of the Councillor’s term, whichever is shorter.
  3. The Chair and Committee members may serve a maximum of two consecutive terms.  

Quorum and Meeting Schedule

  1. A quorum will consist of a majority of members of the committee.
  2. The meeting schedule will be determined by the committee Chair.
  3. A decision of the Leadership Review and Governance Committee shall be by a majority vote.


  1. Performance Management Framework: CEO & Registrar

    1. Facilitating the performance appraisal of the CEO & Registrar using processes determined between Council and the CEO & Registrar, and to prepare the performance appraisal for Council’s review and approval.
    2. Making recommendations to Council with respect to salary and, if applicable, recommendations with respect to adjustments to the CEO & Registrar’s employment contract, including seeking the advice of the College’s legal counsel as necessary.
    3. Ensuring the CEO & Registrar is aware of and agrees with the process and timelines for completing the performance appraisal at the beginning of each evaluation cycle.
    4. Reviewing and revising the performance appraisal processes on an ongoing basis.
    5. Advising Council on the need to engage external resources to assist in the timely and effective discharge of the Committee’s responsibilities and serving as the point of contact with such external resources for the duration of their engagement.
    6. Ensuring that the CEO & Registrar’s contract is reviewed during the September meeting of the Committee to ensure that essential dates and timelines outlined in the contract are identified and that actionable items are addressed in a timely manner.
    7. Acting as a resource to any Search and Selection Committee created to recruit a CEO & Registrar, should a vacancy arise, and
    8. Advising Council, in conjunction with Council’s budget preparation process, of anticipated expenses related to leadership recruitment or review.
  2. Council Evaluation and Development

    1. To implement and monitor an annual evaluation process for Council as a whole and for individual members.
    2. To facilitate an annual review of the Chair’s performance against agreed goals and objectives.
    3. Recommend to Council areas for collective and individual development and related resources for training and growth.
  3. Committee Evaluation

    1. To implement and monitor an annual evaluation process for the College Committees; both the committees as a whole and as individual members.
    2. To facilitate an annual review of each committee Chair’s performance against agreed goals and objectives.
  4. Governance Practices and Procedures

    1. Co-ordinate and oversee board-level policy development, including the maintenance of the Council Governance Manual, evaluate the effectiveness of, and monitor compliance with board-level policies not otherwise assigned to another Board Committee.
    2. Review at least annually the Charters of the Council and Committees and recommend to the Council any amendments (e.g. to duties, responsibilities, reporting) deemed necessary or advisable.
    3. Monitor the functioning of the Council and committees and recommend governance issues to be discussed by Council and committees, to gain reasonable assurance of timely and complete information and decision-making at the Council and committee levels.
    4. Monitor and report annually to Council concerning compliance with the Code of Conduct.


  1. The Committee is accountable to Council and will provide a formal report at each Council meeting.