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GP15 - Regulatory Committees Selection Policy

Policy Number: GP 15 Effective Date: April 2021
Last Review Date: November 2020 Next Review Date: November 2021
Review Frequency: Initial review after first year, then every 2 years Related Supporting Documents:  

The Health Professions Act and the College’s Bylaws establish Regulatory Committees, with statutory and/or prescribed mandates to fulfill the College’s regulatory mandate and to protect the public interest.

The composition of these Committees is outlined in the Health Professions Act, Bylaws or Governance Policy (Committee Charter), as applicable.

This Policy outlines the process by which Regulatory Committee members and their Chairs will be selected and is applied in concert with the detailed Regulatory Committee Appointments Procedure:

  1. On an annual basis, the Nominating Committee will update the Competencies and Attributes Profile for Regulatory Committees. This will identify the sought-after competencies and attributes for the coming selection year.
  2. The Profile will be widely distributed among registered members and members of the public, seeking qualified applications..
  3. The Nominating Committee will review all applications and vet their competencies and attributes against the approved Profile. This vetting process may include resumes, reference checking and/or interviews, to satisfy the Committee.
  4. Incumbent Committee members who are eligible and seek re-appointment will follow the same process as new candidates.
  5. The Committee will identify qualified applicants and those not qualified, who will be notified in a constructive manner to encourage their capacity building in relevant areas and interest in future years.
  6. The Nominating Committee will retain the services of an external search firm to assist with recruitment if insufficient qualified candidates are identified.
  7. The Nominating Committee will recommend qualified candidates for appointment by Council to the Regulatory Committees.
  8. Council will appoint the Chair of each Regulatory Committee from among its number except where legislation states otherwise. The Nominating Committee will review the full composition of each Committee and the qualifications of interested candidates against theChair Competencies & Attributes Profile, and recommend qualified candidates to Council. Council will follow an accepted process for selecting the Chair, such as secret ballot voting.