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Council Highlights

April 4, 2022

The College of Registered Nurses of Alberta (CRNA) recently held its quarterly Council meeting on March 25. The recording and highlights are now available.

CEO and Registrar Report

The CEO and Registrar presented a report on how the CRNA is continuing to foster strategic relationships on the path to achieving regulatory excellence. Some highlights included:

  • Virtual care: An update on virtual care, the work the CRNA is doing in this area, and interest from other jurisdictions to be engaged in this work going forward.
  • Internationally educated nurses: A CRNA proposal to the Government of Alberta was accepted. This new pilot project would streamline the applicant assessment process for internationally educated nurses by creating a new pathway for them to receive a permit.
  • Protecting Patients from Sexual Abuse and Misconduct course: Just over half of registrants have yet to complete the required course. The Protecting Patients from Sexual Abuse and Misconduct course is a mandatory requirement that registrants must complete before they renew. The CRNA will be actively communicating with registrants in April to ensure they have all the information they need to complete the course.

Guidelines Withdrawal

Council has withdrawn the Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID): Guidelines for Nurse Practitioners (2018). Withdrawal of this document ensures alignment with current federal legislation. The corresponding standards are still available.

Canadian Nurses Protective Society Update

The Registered Nurses Profession Regulation requires registrants to have professional liability protection to practice within Alberta. The CRNA bylaws require registrants to carry such professional liability protection (PLP) provided by the Canadian Nurses Protective Society (CNPS). The CRNA has facilitated registrants obtaining their PLP through the registration/renewal process by collecting the fee and paying CNPS on behalf of registrants. Due to amendments to the Health Professions Act and the CRNA's transition to a single mandate regulator, the College will no longer be collecting the fee on behalf of registrants. For the 2022-2023 registration/renewal process, registrants will be required to purchase their own professional liability protection through the CNPS or through the Alberta Association of Nurses.

Registrant Permit Fees

Registrants pay annual permit fees that fund the regulatory functions of the CRNA. The fee structure for 2022-2023 practice permit year was approved during the meeting. The base fee for registered nurses and nurse practitioners for 2022-2023 will be decreased by $25; combined with the previous decision to not collect fees on behalf of other affiliated organizations, the total cost for a practice permit has decreased by $98 from last renewal. For permits that are active between October 1, 2022, and September 30, 2023, registrants will pay a base fee of $478.89 for their permit with the CRNA.

Updating Governance Policies and Bylaws

At the meeting CRNA committed to continuing its focus toward governance excellence. At the meeting, Council approved a framework to streamline, connect and enhance the CRNA's:

  • Governance policies
  • Bylaws
  • Assurance framework
  • Reporting catalogue

Work will begin immediately and Council will be presented with a revised framework in September 2022.

Changes Coming for Governance Appointments

At the meeting Council approved moving to a competency-based Council selection process for regulated members. This means that CRNA is moving away from its long-standing elections approach for Council selection. More details will be provided at the June Council meeting.