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32. Committees

32.1. Committees

  1. Council may establish such committees as it considers necessary in carrying out its duties and responsibilities.
  2. Council shall approve terms of reference for all committees.
  3. Council shall establish criteria for membership on all committees.
  4. Council shall set out a process in policy for the appointment and removal of members of committees.
  5. Regulatory committees shall, each year, prepare and submit to Council, via the Chief Executive Officer and Registrar, a report on their activities for the preceding twelve (12) months.

32.2. Costs and Expenses

The College shall reimburse travel expenses and such other costs and expenses for all members of committees and boards under the Act, the Regulations and Bylaws in accordance with policies made by Council.

32.3. Ex-Officio Committee Members

Individuals sitting as ex-officio members of committees shall not vote.

32.4. Conflicts of Interest

Members of CARNA Committees are subject to CARNA’s Conflict of Interest Policy. All members of Committees must:

  1. refrain from attempting to exert influence in connection with issues for which they are in conflict or potential conflict of interest, and
  2. abstain from participating in any hearings, discussions or voting on such issues pending resolution of the conflict or potential conflict as prescribed in the Conflict of Interest Policy.