Nurse Login

26. Duties and Powers

  1. NEPAC is hereby established as permitted by Section 3(1)(f) of the Act. NEPAC may:
    1. approve an entry to practice program of study, as an “approved nursing program” leading to initial entry to practice as a Registered Nurse, or as a Nurse Practitioner; or re-entry to practice as a Registered Nurse; in accordance with nursing education standards and criteria approved by Council and after consulting with and considering the comments of the Minister of Health and the Minister of Advanced Education;
    2. remove approval from an “approved nursing program” in accordance with nursing education standards and criteria approved by Council and after consulting with and considering the comments of the Minister of Health and the Minister of Advanced Education;
    3. undertake any other power or duty given to it under the Act, the Regulation or these Bylaws;
    4. subject to Sections 19 and 20 of the Act, execute any powers and duties delegated by Council;
    5. assess a nursing education course or program of study as requested by the Registrar;
    6. establish the minimum nursing education standards and criteria required to obtain and maintain the designation of an approved nursing education program, which must be ratified by Council before they become effective;
    7. maintain a continuing review of compliance with nursing education standards and criteria;
    8. engage in collaborative process to serve the interests of the public in the delivery of nursing education;
    9. maintain effective links among stakeholders having an interest in the development, delivery, and evaluation of nursing education programs in Alberta.
  2. The composition, term, quorum and procedures of NEPAC are as set out in the governance policies approved by Council.