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21. Reinstatement Review Committee

21.1. Duties and Powers

A Reinstatement Review Committee established under the regulations may:

  1. Conduct reviews and make decisions on requests for reinstatement of registration submitted under Section 45(2) of the Act, and
  2. Undertake any other power or duty given to it under the Act, the Regulations or these Bylaws.

21.2. Composition

  1. A Reinstatement Review Committee shall be formed of regulated members on the membership list for a Hearing Tribunal established in Section 15 of the Act.
  2. A Reinstatement Review Committee shall be composed of no fewer than five Registered Nurses appointed by Provincial Council to the membership list established in Section 15 of the Act.
  3. The Hearings Director shall designate a Registered Nurse member of the Hearing Tribunal as chair.

21.3. Prohibition on Membership

No member of a Reinstatement Review Committee shall be a member of Council, the Complaint Review Committee, Registration Committee, Registration Review Committee, Competence Committee or NEPAC.

21.4. Term of Office

  1. The term of office of Registered Nurse members on the membership list established under Section 15 of the Act is four years.
  2. The term of office of Registered Nurse members may be extended for up to two additional years.
  3. A member of a Reinstatement Review Committee continues to hold office after the expiry of the member’s term until the member is reappointed or a successor is appointed.

21.5. Quorum

  1. A quorum for a Reinstatement Review Committee is three members of the committee.
  2. A decision of a Reinstatement Review Committee shall be by a majority vote.

21.6. Conduct of Meetings

Subject to the Act, Regulations and these Bylaws, a Reinstatement Review Committee may determine its own rules respecting the calling of and conduct of its hearings, meetings or the handling of matters within its jurisdiction.

21.7. Confidentiality

  1. Each member of a Reinstatement Review Committee shall keep information received by her/him as a member of the committee confidential.
  2. Information given to the Reinstatement Review Committee shall be disclosed only in accordance with the Act, the Regulations, these Bylaws or as otherwise required by law.

21.8. Termination of Membership

A Registered Nurse member of a Reinstatement Review Committee automatically ceases to be a member of a Reinstatement Review Committee if any of the following conditions exist. The member:

  1. Is suspended or ceases to be a Registered Nurse;
  2. Has been found to be guilty of unprofessional conduct; or
  3. Is disciplined for failure to comply with the requirements for confidentiality required by the Act or these Bylaws.

21.9. College Expenses

The Reinstatement Review Committee may make an Order directing the applicant to pay a portion or all of the expenses of the College incurred in respect of the reinstatement application as follows:

  1. Travel (transportation, hotel, meals), salary replacement or per diem and other expenses actually paid by CARNA pursuant to CARNA policy for the RN members of the Reinstatement Review Committee and CARNA witnesses to attend the hearing;
  2. Legal costs incurred by CARNA for the legal counsel to the Reinstatement Review Committee;
  3. Legal costs incurred by CARNA for legal counsel (other than CARNA staff) to the Complaints Director;
  4. Cost of the Court Reporter to attend and provide a transcript;
  5. Costs incurred in service of documents on the applicant;
  6. Costs of reproducing documents provided to the applicant or their representative and costs of reproducing any documents required for the reinstatement hearing;
  7. Any other expenses of CARNA directly attributable to the reinstatement application or hearing.