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5. Termination of Membership on Council

5.1. Automatic Termination

A regulated member of Council automatically ceases to be a member of Council if any of the following conditions exist. The member:

  1. Is suspended or ceases to be a Registered Nurse; or
  2. Has been found to be guilty of unprofessional conduct pursuant to the Act or professional or occupational misconduct or conduct deserving of sanction pursuant to any similar statute.

5.2. Removal from Office of Council Member

  1. A person may make a written complaint to the Chair regarding the conduct of a regulated member or a public representative on Council if the member of Council:
    1. has been found to be guilty of an offense under the Criminal Code (Canada); or
    2. is or has been engaged in any conduct or activity that undermines the College or its objectives.
    3. On receipt of a written complaint under subsection (a), the Chair shall arrange for an investigation to be conducted in accordance with the process approved by Council.
  2. If, following the investigation conducted under subsection (b), the Chair determines there are reasonable grounds to believe the Council member who is the subject of the complaint acted contrary to CARNA policy, or engaged in conduct or activity that undermines the College or its objectives or otherwise acted inappropriately, then the Chair shall call a meeting of Council to review and discuss the results of the investigation.
  3. Council shall consider the matter and vote on the following question:
    1. If the Council member is a regulated member, “Are you in favour of removing _________ as a member of Council?”
    2. If the Council member is a public representative, “Are you in favour of recommending to the Lieutenant Governor in Council that the appointment of ____________ to Council be rescinded?”
  4. The member of Council who is the subject of the complaint may attend any such meeting of Council and be heard; however, that member shall abstain from the vote on the issue and shall be absent during the vote on the issue.
  5. If two-thirds or more of the members of Council present and voting vote in favour of the question in subsection (d) above,
    1. If a regulated member is the subject of the complaint, then they shall be removed from office effective immediately;
    2. If a public representative is the subject of the complaint, then Council shall recommend to the Lieutenant Governor in Council that their appointment be rescinded.
  6. If two-thirds or more of the Council members present and voting do not vote in favour of the question in subsection (d) above, then the member who is the subject of the complaint shall not be removed from office and Council shall proceed to consider the seriousness of the issue and may take other action as deemed appropriate.