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Funding and Fees

The College of Registered Nurses of Alberta (CRNA) is funded through registrant’s permit fees, which support regulatory functions on behalf of the government.  

Registrants pay an annual fee for their permit, which includes professional liability protection from the Canadian Nurses Protective Society. A permit is valid from October 1 to September 30 for the registration year. 

The CRNA also collects other fees to maintain its register: 

  • A discounted fee for registrants that apply for their permit after May 1 of the practice year (which must be renewed by October 1). 
  • Assessment fees to cover the work involved in ensuring the applicant is eligible to join the register. 
  • Exam fees to assess a registrant’s eligibility to take their nursing exam. 
  • Fees to help former registrants return to practice in Alberta. 

Some exceptions apply to serve the public interest, as COVID-19 pandemic has led to the CRNA issuing courtesy permits for urgent response and vaccine administration. These are not full permits, as conditions on the type of work are incorporated. 

To ensure operational effectiveness and fiscal stewardship, the CRNA management reviews financial results relative to budget on a monthly basis and reports to Council on a quarterly/annual basis regarding how it has met its financial and operational priorities, which are based on funding sources available

View detailed permit fee structure

GST #R106692643