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CRNA Strategic Direction: 2021 - 2026


Excellence in nursing regulation for the health of all Albertans.


Protect and serve the public interest using Right-touch regulation.*



Regulators should only intervene when necessary. Remedies should be appropriate to the risk posed, and costs identified and minimized.


Regulation should be focused on the problem, and minimize side effects.


Regulators must be able to justify decisions, and be subject to public scrutiny.


Regulators should only intervene when necessary. Remedies should be appropriate to the risk posed, and costs identified and minimized.


Regulators should be open, and keep regulations simple and user-friendly.


Regulation must look forward and be able to adapt to and anticipate change.



Progressive Culture

Leading with people


We are committed to attracting the best people, engaging and developing a workforce that embodies our values of integrity, respect, accountability and professionalism.


We support each other and challenge ideas to be better while respecting and supporting decisions collectively as one voice.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

We provide culturally sensitive, fair, impartial access to opportunities and resources for people.


We consistently apply transparent processes designed to reduce bias and encourage diversity of perspectives.

Collaborative Partnerships

Learning through relationships


We continually improve our regulatory practice by building relationships inclusive of government, CRNA’s council, employers, healthcare professionals and the public.


We believe in working together for collective wisdom, avoiding siloed behaviour, and a workplace that produces open dialogue.


We seek and utilize external expertise when needed.

Alberta Federation

We share and learn via active participation

Fiscal Stewardship

Seek value and spend prudently

Be Forward-Looking

We balance short-term with moderate to long-term thinking and investments.

Ensure Efficiency and Effectiveness

We apply lean thinking to reduce wasteful processes and invest resources in value-added activities.

Incorporate Risk Assessment

We ensure decisions are risk informed applying the College’s risk management framework.

Maintain Financial Viability

We balance the budget and reinvest to advance the College’s regulatory mandate.

Organizational Excellence

The right things done right


We develop accountable leaders that empower others to achieve exceptional results. We seek employees with a challenge positive attitude that fit CRNA’s culture.

Decision Quality

We use Right-touch thinking, commit to effective governance and delegation of authority. We leverage secured, accessible, quality data to drive performance measurement and analytics.


We commit to the development of effective executive and operational teams. We challenge the status quo and commit to continual improvement and effective communications.

Implementation Excellence

We use effective project portfolio and change management processes to ensure investments are delivering sustainable value in alignment with legislation and CRNA strategy.

*Principles adapted from Professional Standards Authority for Health and Social Care, September 2018